Showing 7 Result(s)

New Birth

Christmas! This Christmas is so different for many of us! But the reason behind Christmas has not changed – God cared so much for the world – for each and every one of us -that He ‘laid aside His majesty’ to become one of us, to cancel our debt of wrongdoing, restore our true identity …


I’ve been thinking recently about the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly and the remarkable process which takes place inside the cocoon. During that time of seclusion and apparent inactivity, the caterpillar does not just lose it’s legs and grow wings! Instead, all the structure of the caterpillar breaks down. It becomes something like …

A Pruning Season

A pruning season When I think of the season we’ve been in during lock down, the metaphor of pruning comes to mind. Pruning a tree involves selectively cutting back or removing unwanted branches in a way that results in improved health, greater fruitfulness and better shape of the tree. Pruning could look like an unwise …

What is Your Sound?

I want to tell you a little about resonance. I do not claim to be a physicist, but I do know that everything in creation has its own ‘resonant frequency’, its natural, unforced resonance, its ‘favourite’ resonance, at which it operates best. I also understand that when an object is vibrating at the resonant frequency …

New Year

It’s nearly 2020 already! I find that, once busy Christmas is over, December is a great opportunity to review the past year and to prayerfully set some goals for the new year. You may find the following outline suggestions helpful. Look back with gratitude over the last year and write a list of all the …

Your Voice Matters

Something I love to do in my coaching is help individuals discover and begin to fulfil their life purpose. One aspect of this is looking at life messages. All of us carry a life ‘message’ (or messages) which have been formed through our unique life experiences. Events in our lives, both good and bad, become …

What is Your Why?

What is your why? You were created for a purpose and this purpose has been embedded in you since you were born. Your purpose flows from who you are. It is expressed through your core passions, your dreams, your personality, the things you are naturally gifted at and the things that make you feel happy, …