Showing 9 Result(s)


I’ve been thinking recently about the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly and the remarkable process which takes place inside the cocoon. During that time of seclusion and apparent inactivity, the caterpillar does not just lose it’s legs and grow wings! Instead, all the structure of the caterpillar breaks down. It becomes something like …

A Pruning Season

A pruning season When I think of the season we’ve been in during lock down, the metaphor of pruning comes to mind. Pruning a tree involves selectively cutting back or removing unwanted branches in a way that results in improved health, greater fruitfulness and better shape of the tree. Pruning could look like an unwise …


How often have you, like me, made new year resolutions, quickly broken them and felt discouraged? Let me give some tips about goal setting which may help you to reach (or at least progress towards) more of your dreams in 2020. I have not been good, historically, at goal setting. Part of the reason is …

New Year

It’s nearly 2020 already! I find that, once busy Christmas is over, December is a great opportunity to review the past year and to prayerfully set some goals for the new year. You may find the following outline suggestions helpful. Look back with gratitude over the last year and write a list of all the …

A new path

Following on from my previous post (‘Happiness’), some ways of thinking have been ingrained in us since childhood and will be related to events or things we have believed since then. This sort of thinking can be difficult to shift, especially if it has affected us at an emotional, heart level. This is why I …


I came across the following quote recently and loved it: “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley One of the greatest gifts we have been given is free will -the power to choose. We can not …

Don’t Quit

Have you ever climbed a mountain and, despite the weariness and temptation to give up, made it to the peak? On the occasions I have (well…UK mountains, although I guess they’re not ‘real’ mountains at all!) the views, the beauty, the tranquility, the sense of achievement has been exhilarating and wonderful. The world looks different …

The Power of Visualisation

 There is something in quantum physics called ‘Collapsing the Quiff.’ This shows that all things are possible in the sub-atomic realm and that as we ‘see’ the possibility or potential of something, it draws it out of the intangible so that it materialises in the physical realm. (I like to think of this as a …

Looking back or moving on?

I came across this quote from “The past is like using your rear-view mirror in the car, it’s good to see how far you’ve come, but if you stare too long you’ll miss what’s right in front of you.” I’m sure that all of us have happy memories we love to recall. I recognise …