Showing 22 Result(s)

New Birth

Christmas! This Christmas is so different for many of us! But the reason behind Christmas has not changed – God cared so much for the world – for each and every one of us -that He ‘laid aside His majesty’ to become one of us, to cancel our debt of wrongdoing, restore our true identity …


I’ve been thinking recently about the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly and the remarkable process which takes place inside the cocoon. During that time of seclusion and apparent inactivity, the caterpillar does not just lose it’s legs and grow wings! Instead, all the structure of the caterpillar breaks down. It becomes something like …

The Death of Shame

I am profoundly grateful for the friends and mentors with whom I have been able to safely share my story. Such valuable relationships are not always easy to find. This is one of the reasons I offer, in my coaching, such a place for shame to die and to have opportunity instead to discover your …

Your Song

I was coaching someone earlier in the week who said he believed birds were singing when he was born. I asked him what, if it could be put into words, were they singing? It was a song of celebration. I thought that was lovely, so I later asked the same question of myself – what …

What is Your Sound?

I want to tell you a little about resonance. I do not claim to be a physicist, but I do know that everything in creation has its own ‘resonant frequency’, its natural, unforced resonance, its ‘favourite’ resonance, at which it operates best. I also understand that when an object is vibrating at the resonant frequency …

While Shepherds Watched

There are many beautiful things about the Christmas story, and one of these is that news of the most pivotal moment in history, the coming of Jesus Christ, BC turns to AD, was first announced, not to respectable, wealthy, religious leaders, but to shepherds. Shepherds in the time of Jesus were among the most despised, …

First Love Yourself?

I’ve heard it said many times that others can’t love you until you learn to love yourself (I may have even said it myself.) IT ISN’T TRUE! The way we learn to love ourselves is by others first loving us, showing us we matter and have value. It’s ok to need to be loved! We …


I love this quote. We are all looking for ‘home’. This isn’t just a place, it means learning to accept and be at peace with ourselves, even with our imperfections. There is ‘room for improvement’ in all of us and we are all in a process of changing, but it’s important we still love ourselves …

Superhero or Alter-ego?

More on a superhero theme. Many of the well known ‘superheroes’ have a kind of alter-ego. Superman has Clark Kent, Spiderman has Peter Parker, Wonder Woman has Diana Prince. Some of these individuals come across as weak and vulnerable- very human – but they also hide the superhero, who they ‘become’ as necessity arises. Consider, …