Showing 40 Result(s)


I posted before about ‘floods’ and our foundations. Here is a different image covering a similar theme. I found, in my own journey of recovery from childhood trauma, that the picture I had of my childhood turned out to be very different from the real picture. The image I had was much like a simple, …


I want to write some thoughts about the flooding we’ve experienced in UK this week. There has been tragic loss and heartache for people whose homes have been flooded or even partly washed away. These people’s lives will not be the same. In many ways, this is what it is like for those in the …

What is Your Sound?

I want to tell you a little about resonance. I do not claim to be a physicist, but I do know that everything in creation has its own ‘resonant frequency’, its natural, unforced resonance, its ‘favourite’ resonance, at which it operates best. I also understand that when an object is vibrating at the resonant frequency …


How often have you, like me, made new year resolutions, quickly broken them and felt discouraged? Let me give some tips about goal setting which may help you to reach (or at least progress towards) more of your dreams in 2020. I have not been good, historically, at goal setting. Part of the reason is …

New Year

It’s nearly 2020 already! I find that, once busy Christmas is over, December is a great opportunity to review the past year and to prayerfully set some goals for the new year. You may find the following outline suggestions helpful. Look back with gratitude over the last year and write a list of all the …

While Shepherds Watched

There are many beautiful things about the Christmas story, and one of these is that news of the most pivotal moment in history, the coming of Jesus Christ, BC turns to AD, was first announced, not to respectable, wealthy, religious leaders, but to shepherds. Shepherds in the time of Jesus were among the most despised, …

A new path

Following on from my previous post (‘Happiness’), some ways of thinking have been ingrained in us since childhood and will be related to events or things we have believed since then. This sort of thinking can be difficult to shift, especially if it has affected us at an emotional, heart level. This is why I …


I came across the following quote recently and loved it: “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley One of the greatest gifts we have been given is free will -the power to choose. We can not …

Don’t Quit

Have you ever climbed a mountain and, despite the weariness and temptation to give up, made it to the peak? On the occasions I have (well…UK mountains, although I guess they’re not ‘real’ mountains at all!) the views, the beauty, the tranquility, the sense of achievement has been exhilarating and wonderful. The world looks different …

Thank you!

There have been many studies that have proven that gratitude makes us happier and healthier (It even changes the cells and connections in our brain.) Like any emotion, gratitude can’t be forced but we can cultivate our thoughts so that gratitude is more likely to arise. Practising helps create a habit where we focus on …