Showing 15 Result(s)

The Death of Shame

I am profoundly grateful for the friends and mentors with whom I have been able to safely share my story. Such valuable relationships are not always easy to find. This is one of the reasons I offer, in my coaching, such a place for shame to die and to have opportunity instead to discover your …

Desert Island

Here is something I wrote some time ago when I was journeying through the effects of trauma. Desert Island “I’ve been shipwrecked, and now I’m stranded here on this desert island. I’ve learnt survival and self-sufficiency and can eke out a meagre existence. The gulf between me and the rest of humanity seems huge. It’s …


How often have you, like me, made new year resolutions, quickly broken them and felt discouraged? Let me give some tips about goal setting which may help you to reach (or at least progress towards) more of your dreams in 2020. I have not been good, historically, at goal setting. Part of the reason is …

A new path

Following on from my previous post (‘Happiness’), some ways of thinking have been ingrained in us since childhood and will be related to events or things we have believed since then. This sort of thinking can be difficult to shift, especially if it has affected us at an emotional, heart level. This is why I …


I came across the following quote recently and loved it: “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley One of the greatest gifts we have been given is free will -the power to choose. We can not …

Don’t Quit

Have you ever climbed a mountain and, despite the weariness and temptation to give up, made it to the peak? On the occasions I have (well…UK mountains, although I guess they’re not ‘real’ mountains at all!) the views, the beauty, the tranquility, the sense of achievement has been exhilarating and wonderful. The world looks different …


I know these aren’t for everyone, but I enjoy superhero movies. I especially like those, like the Avengers, where the superheroes are somewhat frail, even slightly messed up, individuals, who manage to overcome their brokenness, unite together and defeat evil. I think that says something hopeful to us all. Whatever our background, we can rise …

Forgiveness- a Key to Freedom

The subject of forgiveness is perhaps a touchy subject for some people, and understandably so, yet something that I have discovered to be hugely and powerfully liberating. We will look in more detail at what forgiveness really is, and what it isn’t! But first let me introduce an evidenced benefit of learning to forgive – …

The Power of Visualisation

 There is something in quantum physics called ‘Collapsing the Quiff.’ This shows that all things are possible in the sub-atomic realm and that as we ‘see’ the possibility or potential of something, it draws it out of the intangible so that it materialises in the physical realm. (I like to think of this as a …

It’s a girl!

Continuing my posts about identity, here is an extract from some of the teaching notes from my ‘Finding the Freedom to Fully Live’ programme. This is part of a teaching on shame: Few of us would like to admit to carrying shame, yet very many of us do, perhaps without even realising it. Firstly, let …